The company Figli Michele Angiuli S.r.l. has obtained the certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 for Quality System with certificate N*. 2986/00/S in the sector relative to the cheese commercialization and packing.
Such procedure of certification presents a very useful tool because from one hand it guarantees both suppliers and consumers to choose in base on objective parameters and to orientate safely in the buying choice and from the other hand it helps the certified company to have shared and unified standards of reference in order to optimize and enhance its own organization.
The strong strategic valence of certification is the evaluation at better of the company’s effort, protecting it from not-qualified concurrence.
The system certification provides guaranties on the systemic approach of the producing organization in base of the different needs (safety, tradition, sustainable development).

The certification of the company Figli Michele Angiuli S.r.l. has been released by RINA Services, the organization recognized by the main boards of accreditation for the system certification of management (ACCREDIA, IATF, INMETRO, ISPRA, NABCB, SAAS, UNIFE).
This certificate foresees annual revisions and guarantees that the company Figli Michele Angiuli S.r.l. has constantly put in force all the procedures suitable to reach the aims required by the quality system.